Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Complexity Of Humanity By Evelyn Glennie Essay

The complexity of humanity itself is unexplainable. Numerous philosophers and scholars have pondered the question â€Å"what makes us human† for decades, however no definite answer has been discovered only philosophies and opinions. Evelyn Glennie’s answer to the vast question takes a unique perspective that is both enlightening and encouraging. Her outlook on what makes us human causes a second thought of what is first assumed when pondering humanity. Physical traits such as the ability to move, see, speak, hear, smell, taste, and feel may be attributes of a human being but is not the answer because many surfer from disabilities that inhibit them from doing these actions but do not make them any less of a human being, which is perfectly exemplified by Evelyn herself. Evelyn proves that the physical senses each human experiences is not the real meaning of the gift. While Evelyn cannot hear through her ears, she is not deaf. She is the only solo percussionist, to maintai n a full time performing career yet has never bragged that she’s accomplished that goal while being deaf because to her, mentally, she is not deaf, in fact she has learned to listen in a deeper way. Because of her disability she has learned the nature of deafness and the nature of hearing. The belief that deaf people live in silence is a misapprehension. She is able to feel the sounds through vibrating air. Evelyn hears by touch the same way someone hears through his or her ears. Her belief is that if everyone

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